Convolutional Sparse Coding for Noise Attenuation of Seismic Data

Zhaolun Liu% latex2html id marker 562
% latex2html id marker 563

Image training
Image denoise_phase
Figure 1: Training phase
Figure 2: Denoising phase

1 Objective

To learn how to use convolutional sparse coding to attenuate the noise in seismic data.

2 Reading Materials

Please read the SEG Beijing abstract and PPT for theory of seismic denoising.

3 Prerequisites


4 Theory

The convolutional sparse coding (CSC) problem can be defined as finding the optimal $ { \bf {d}}$ and $ { \bf {z}}$ that minimize the following objective function:

$\displaystyle \argmin_{{ \bf {d}},{ \bf {z}}} \frac{1}{2}\lVert { \bf {x}}-\sum...
...f {d}}_k*{ \bf {z}}_k\rVert_2^2+   \beta\sum_{k=1}^K\lVert{ \bf {z}}_k\rVert_1,$ (1)

where $ { \bf {x}}$ is an $ m\times n$ image in vector form, $ { \bf {d}}_k$ refers to the $ k$-th $ d\times d$ filter in vector form, $ { \bf {z}}_k$ is vector of sparse coefficients with size $ (m+d-1)\times(n+d-1)$, $ \beta$ controls the $ l_1$ penalty, and $ *$ denotes the 2D convolution operator.

The noise attenuation method by CSC can be divided into the training phase and the denoising phase. The seismic data with a relatively high signal-to-noise ratio are chosen for training to get the learned basis functions. Then we use all (or a subset) of the basis functions to attenuate the random or coherent noise in the seismic data.

5 Procedure

6 Exercise

Zhaolun Liu 2018-10-29